Friday, October 3, 2008

Healing for the Saints

Greetings! My name is Derek. I am the husband of one wife, father of two wonderfully intuitive God fearing sons, pastor, teacher and friend. I am a former United States Marine having served honorably in the Persian Gulf during the Desert Shield and Desert Storm. I enthusiastically enjoy LSU football, New Orleans Saints football and playing golf as often as possible. The Lord has blessed me to see over the past 11 years of ministry how we are in need of Healing for the Saints of God.

In every person's journey there are many trials and tribulations. We become bruised, battered, worn and torn. We become distant, despondent and sad. Unfortunately all too often these hurts have been administered by "loving" members of the body of Christ. We find ourselves feeling cast out, some feeling ostracized by the so called "church". Is there someone who has been there, got the tee shirt, the hat and the mug? Is there help for those who are hurting, having a pity party and who have said definitively "I am not setting foot in a church ever again?" Have you moved to another church just to blend in and hide in a large congregation? Have you mourned or grieved for this death? Does anyone have an answer to the slaying of Saints at the altar of churches throughout America?

Persecution happens moment by moment in other countries. The persecution comes from all arenas outside the body of Christ. This has been going on for thousands of years as recorded throughout history. Over my lifetime I can truly say I sympathize and empathize with those that are the walking wounded of the church. The "Christian" army are the only soldiers I know who shoot their own wounded. Were we not commanded by Jesus to "Love thy neighbor as thyself?" Matthew 22:39

Please allow me to state that the purpose of this blog is not to bash, hash and rehash but to bring about healing, reconciliation and restoration. Please understand that church names, pastors names, church members names and the like are prohibited. This blog is not for tearing down but for the uplifting of your heads, truly bearing one another's burdens!

Your questions and comments are welcome. Please pray for this blog so that wounded hearts may be healed, that souls may be encouraged and that minds may be renewed through Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Good job cousin,

    I have recieved the same message from the Lord about healing. I was even assigned to a church that needs a lot of healing. God has blessed me to be able to do it through a prophetic prayer ministry. God reveals to me what each person needs prayer for, and then we anoint and pray.

    I would caution you about using the Amplified version of the Bible. It strays from the original text, whcih can change meaning and context.

    I have begun seminary this Fall, and I am glad to be back in school.

    I hope the family is well, we are on the way up from the ashes since I have found a job.

    God bless and much love,



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